Thursday, July 19, 2012


It has really been awhile since I have posted on here, and a LOT has happened!  I had a class where I did student teaching in the preschool up on campus for the summer.  It ended last week so I am finally getting a little summer break. It was pretty fun, but definitely had it's moments.  I think its safe to say I have no plans of becoming a preschool teacher....
Mike is now working at Convergys.  He seems to like it okay.  Not his lifelong career choice by any means, but it pays the bills.

I am now 30 weeks along!  Hard to believe right?  Our baby boy is due September 28.  Sometimes I feel like it is never going to get here, and other times I feel like I'm not ready at all and I need at least a couple more months to get ready.  But ready or not, he is coming and we are SOOOOO excited!!
I realize that after a few months of nothing this is a pretty pathetic update, but I will really try to be better!