Wednesday, November 5, 2014

House, Halloween and other happenings

Since I haven't posted for quite awhile, here is the Reader's Digest version of our life lately....

The house is actually coming along pretty quickly.  It has been a lot of work and long days for Mike, but he loves that kind of stuff  :)  We have to build 9 houses total and as of right now we have finished framing 5 and are working on the 6th.  We are hoping to have all the framing done before it gets too cold so that we can be working on the insides most of the winter.  I was a little worried about whether or not I would be much help being pregnant and all but there is a lot that I can do.  I just avoid all the heavy lifting and ladders and such.  So pretty much all the hard stuff   :)  If all goes according to plan we should be able to move in in June.  That's about a month per house.  Not too shabby for a bunch of people who have no idea what they are doing.  Keep your fingers crossed.

I was pretty excited for Halloween with Damon this year.  Although it's his 3rd Halloween this was the first year that he had any idea what was going on.
He loves to paint and is pretty funny about textures when touching things, so I decided to let him paint a pumpkin this year.  He had a blast and ended up with as much paint on him as on the pumpkin.  Mike tried to get him to touch the guts from his pumpkin but he would have nothing to do with it.

We dressed him as a pumpkin.  Probably the cutest pumpkin I have ever seen.  Ashlee was nice enough to let us crash Trick-or-Treating with them.  I knew Damon would have fun if he did it, but I felt stupid taking him up to doors myself and saying Trick-or-Treat aka my child doesn't know what's happening but give us candy anyways....  So it was nice that he just got to go up to the doors with his cousins.  He was so funny and would walk up to the porch, and then just hang back while everyone else got candy, and then leave.  People were always really nice to catch him before he got too far and give him some.  By the end of the night he had a better idea of what was going on but was getting pretty tired.
He now wants to wear his pumpkin costume everyday and keeps saying "Howee" (Halloween).  The poor kid doesn't really get that holidays are just once a year.  He is the same way with birthdays.  Every time he sees a candle he thinks it is someones birthday.  When Mike put one in his pumpkin he kept saying "happy" "happy".  And he is still telling me Happy Birthday.....

Night Out
Now that we are building we don't get a whole lot of family time together.  So a couple weeks ago when we had a day off, we took Damon to the American West Heritage Center to check out all the fun fall activities.  They had pony rides and even though Damon loves horses, I didn't know how well he would do actually riding one.  I had no reason to worry.  HE LOVED IT!  He kept neighing all night wanting to go back and do it again.

They also had a train which he was thrilled to go on.  The bounce house and slide were okay but if he had it his way he would have gone back and forth between the train and horses all night.

I finally finished the table I was working on.  More like my dad finally finished it.  After we started on the house, I never had a free minute without Damon that I could go work on it.  So my dad was nice enough that he just did it for me one Saturday.  It probably could have turned out nicer had I been willing to take the time to refinish the wood, but I really like the way it looks all black.  With the price of paint and sandpaper and everything this probably cost about $40.  I'd say that't a steal.  It has a leaf too so when we get into our house and have more room we can have a bigger table.  

Here are a couple random pregnant pictures of me.  And that is all you will see because that is all I have taken. :)  The doctor says she expects this baby to come about when Damon did so a week early.  That is less than 3 weeks away.  EEK!  I'm (not so) secretly hoping he will come sooner than that, but still be perfectly healthy.... I don't think that's too much to ask!  We are well on our way though!!!

Damon's Birthday

Well this is only about a month and a half late, but lets talk about Damon's birthday....

His birthday was on a Sunday.  We usually have church at 9:00, but that happened to be the week of the Ogden Temple open house so there was no church.  They were doing 3 separate broadcasts so we decided to go to the middle one (I think it was at 1:00......) so that we could take our time in the morning having a big breakfast and letting Damon open his presents and play with them for awhile and everything.

We got him a big rocking horse and he was pretty excited about it.  Although I think I could have given him the dollar store truck he got and put the balloons in the living room and he would have been just as happy.  Little kids are so easy to please!

We had a nice lazy morning which was awesome because Damon and Mike never get to see each other in the morning these days now that we are building the house.  Mike's parents had gone to the earlier session so that they could watch all the grand kids while we went.  Damon was so excited to get to go play with his cousins.
We went to the open house and took our time after it got over because we figured it would take a long time to get out of the parking lot and I had to use the restroom (surprise surprise).  After we finally left Mike wanted to run home and change his clothes before heading back to his parents.  No big deal.  I waited in the car while he ran in and changed and when he came back out he said we needed to hurry and get to his parents house because his dad had left him a voicemail saying there was a situation.....  Uh-oh.
Come to find out the boys had been playing and dropped a big bowl and broke it.  Damon must have tried to pick it up because he had cut his finger open pretty bad.  Mike's mom thought it probably needed stitches, but she didn't have enough car seats to take all the kids and someone would have had to hold something on Damon's finger so blood wouldn't get everywhere.  So they had been waiting for us while we were just taking our sweet time.  I felt pretty bad!
We loaded Damon into the car and headed into the InstaCare.  It just so happened that I had a big bag of Cheetos in the car and that was enough to calm him down while we drove.  His face and one hand were completely covered in Cheeto dust but I could care less as long as he wasn't freaking out.  We had a red washcloth wrapped around his finger so we couldn't see how bloody it was but when Mike carried him in it pressed up against Mikes white shirt and left a pretty nasty bloody spot.  They got us in pretty quick but then we had to put some numbing cream on his finger and let it sit for 30 minutes.  Lucky for us, they had a little DVD player, Frozen, and a sucker.  When they came back to stitch it up I don't think it was hurting him anymore, but he was still a little leery to let them look at it.  They put 3 stitches in and he was actually pretty good throughout the whole thing considering.  When he was done he got a popsicle and was happy as could be.

We were planning on having a party for his birthday that night but were considering calling it off because we thought he would be pretty tired an ornery.  As soon as we were in the car all he wanted was to go back to Grandma's to see Tanner and Max.  So the party was still on.  He had a great time and, aside from not using his hand for anything, you would never guess he had a rough afternoon.  He was spoiled rotten and absolutely LOVED being sang to!

The stitches had to stay in for a week and it took about that long for him to decide it was okay to use his hand at all.  He would just hold it off to the side or behind his back and get by by doing everything with his left hand.
Now it is how long after, and he still sticks his hand in everyone's face to show them his owie.  Funny kid.


  • Loves to vacuum, especially his bedroom.  We usually have to do it everyday.  He drags the vacuum out of the closet and to his room and just waits very impatiently for me to come turn it on.
  • Loves to play ball with daddy.  He brings Mike his Hmong stool and says "Daddy seat".  He makes Mike sit on the stool and nowhere else while they throw the ball back and forth. 
  • He will currently only watch: our wedding video, Frozen, The Lorax, Gordy, and about 10 seconds of any music video.
  • Loves listening to music and dancing.
  • He is starting to talk a little more even though it is still pretty hard to understand him.  He gets really frustrated when I don't know what he is saying and I get really frustrated when I can't figure out what he wants.  Although the way he says things is pretty darn cute, I will be glad when he can tell me what he wants and I can know what he is saying.
  • He thinks everything is blue.  No matter how many times I try to teach him other colors, it's all blue.
  • Is very excited about the baby.  He always wants to look at the ultrasound pics and says either "baby! baby!" or "KaKo" (Kyle).  He usually loves babies but we will see how he feels when this one doesn't go home at the end of the day......

Friday, August 29, 2014

Boam luck

Before we got married Mike warned me of the curse of the Boam luck.  Right............  I told him he was crazy and Baxter luck wasn't that great either.  I have since come to know what he was talking about.  Pretty much if there is a possibility that something might go wrong, for us it will.

Mike finished landscaping on a Friday.  The next week he had to be at school a few random days so he just decided to be done with landscaping so he didn't have to worry about it.  I recently acquired a table and chairs for free. (that's actually a stroke of good luck)  It was desperately in need of some TLC but it was solid, heavy wood so I couldn't pass it up.  I decided that rather than trying to refinish it I was just going to paint it.  It's out at my parent's house in my dad's shop so I can go work on it whenever, but its kind of hard to be doing that and watching Damon at the same time.  I don't have to worry about traffic or anything because he could probably go as far as his little legs could take him and still not be to the road.  But that's the problem- he does go as far as he wants, in whatever direction he wants with the dogs right by his side.  I think he is still a little young for that......

 Anywho I thought those couple days that Mike would be home before school started would be the perfect time to get it done.  We went out one night and got it all sanded down so the old finish was off and the paint would stick.  Tuesday rolled around and I wanted to go to the store to get all the supplies and get it primed and painted. I was so gung-ho I thought I easily have it finished and in our house by the weekend.  We decided to just go to Walmart.  We took our time getting ready in the morning and then got in the car to leave.  As we were backing out, Mike realized he wasn't wearing a hat and insisted on going back in to get one.  We took Miller's road and then cut across to get onto the highway by Little Wonders, a route we rarely take.  As we were coming up to the light we had a green arrow and I commented to Mike that that was rare, we usually have to wait forever to turn left.  Mike pulled out into the intersection and then slammed on the brakes and honked.  It all happened before I had the chance to realize what was going on, but some girl ran the light and hit into us.  Lovely.  What are the odds that we would be at that intersection at the exact second that the light was green for us and she ran through the red one.  With the Boam luck, apparently pretty high....

Luckily she had tried slamming on her brakes so she was going pretty slow by the time she got to us.  It was just a little bump and everyone was fine.  Her car was fine and she was able to drive away, but she hit us just right on the drivers side front wheel that it bent it and made the car undrivable.  She claims that she knew the light was red and tried to stop but it made her car shake and she just couldn't stop.  I wanted to tell her that's what happens when you slam on the brakes..... Even the cop didn't buy her story that her brakes didn't work because he let them drive the car home.  Just kind of annoying that 1- She never said a word to us or apologized or anything, just sat bawling hysterically.  And 2- She makes up some story about her brakes not working...... Just admit you weren't paying attention.

The good thing is that she didn't lie about the light being red, so she got a ticket and her insurance said they accept full responsibility for everything.  So we better not have to pay a dime.  We got a rental that day and it has now been 2 1/2 weeks.  I want my car back.  Even though it will probably never be the same and now the value has gone way down because it has been in a crash. :(  GRRR. I get so nervous driving a rental because anything that happens we will be responsible for.  I'm just really glad we don't have to pay for it.... Last Friday they told us it would be about a week and a half til our car is done.  Monday is Labor Day so it will be Tuesday at the very earliest.  That means our rental car will have cost at least $550..... Yeah glad we don't have to pay for that!

Needless to say, the table still isn't finished.....  I finally got it all primed so I guess that's good!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

random picture overload

First of all, funny story- last night we were saying prayers and it went something like this:
Mike: Thank you that we were able to see Grandpa, Grandma, Caitlin, Meg....
Damon: (Still kneeling down and folding his arms) Truck! Truck! Truck!
Mike: And the truck
Damon: (smiles)
What a little goober!!!!!!!!!!!

A couple weeks ago, Damon and I had been out and about all morning grocery shopping and such.  He had missed his normal nap time and was SO tired!  I put him down for a nap and started mopping the floors.  He was screaming, but I thought since he was so tired it wouldn't take long for him to cry himself to sleep.  I kept mopping and then I thought I heard "mom".  
I was sure I was hearing things, but then I heard it again and it sounded really close.  Mike and I looked at each other and then went and looked down the hall.  There was Damon standing outside his bedroom with his hand in the air calling for me to come get him.  (He has learned the hard way not to walk across the tile while I am mopping or he goes crashing to the floor).  What the heck?!  So of course we put him back in his crib to see how he managed to get out.  He immediately swung his leg up over the side and boosted himself over the edge.
And life as we knew it was over.
I have been expecting this for quite awhile now, but was really hoping he would stay in there forever :)
That night we flipped his crib around so the tall side was facing out and he couldn't get out.  But I am not tall enough to get him in and out of it that way, especially with my big belly in the way......  So the next day I decided to convert it into the toddler bed.  I put him in the crib while I was working on it and he kept trying to get out but couldn't.  I thought it might be my lucky day and he would stay in the crib for a little longer. 
Instead he just threw himself over the edge head first.  I was sitting there to catch him, but decided the side needed to go before we ended up at the hospital with a broken bone or needing stitches.
We have been really lucky! He LOVES the bed and has almost slept better in that than he did in the crib.  I had to put a child proof thing on his doorknob so he can't get out of his room and he has been doing great!  He struggled a little the first day, but has been sleeping in there all night every night and napping great!  Sometimes I can hear him in his room playing when he is supposed to be napping, but eventually he climbs in bed and goes to sleep.  I was dreading it all for nothing!!!
 He loves playing in his room lately, and thinks jumping off his bed to the floor is the best game ever!

 Damon loves all the 'tractors' out at Grandpa and Grandma's house.  
He goes to the shed and knocks on the door til we let him in to play on one.

 We were playing outside the other day and it was SO hot!! Megan filled up his pool, but he was way more interested in the hose.  He had a great time figuring out that if he lifts it in the air he can get it on his head.  And he learned to stick his finger in the end of the hose and make it spray everywhere!  Including all over me and the inside of the house through the screen door......

I'm pretty sure this kid would sit in this wagon and let us pull him all the way to China if we would!
Big thanks to my aunt Linnea for finding it for us! 

 Helping me and Caitlin make jam.  He insisted on stirring by himself and completely freaked out when we tried to help.  Oh the joys of a 2 year old......

 Mike doesn't like pulling the wagon because the handle is too short and he has to lean down to pull.
So, he hooked a rope to the handle to make pulling easier.  Then he decided that it would be even easier if it were hands free altogether.....

And perhaps the best news of all.... We finally get to close on our loan tomorrow!!! Hallelujah!  Hopefully we will start getting stuff ready and building this week (heard that before!)  I am so excited to get this started and be well on our way to getting into our OWN HOUSE!! YAY!  Here is a picture of our lot.  Our house will face the street, and we will have a deck on the back of the house.  Don't we have a great view from the deck?!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Damon's getting a brother!

Here comes boy #2!!  And this time I was so sure it was a girl.....  With Damon I was not sick at all!  Really the only pregnancy symptom I had was being tired.  This time around has been SO different.  During the first trimester I was super nauseous and dizzy/lightheaded all the time, not to mention I had zero energy at all.  I figured that every pregnancy is probably different no matter what, but I have heard that you are supposedly a lot more sick when you are having a girl.  So I kinda went with that and had it in my head that this baby was going to be a girl.  When we went for the ultrasound, the tech put the thing on my stomach and the first thing that came into focus was the view proving it was a boy :)  I always have a hard time seeing what is allegedly on the screen so when she said "well that's pretty obvious what it is isn't it?"  I was kinda like uh.....  It took me a minute to realize what I was actually looking at, and then I was like "oh it's a boy!"  Kinda took me by surprise.  It took awhile to wrap my mind around the fact that it was another boy.  Ashlee was watching Damon for me and I told her when I dropped him off that I wouldn't be any less excited if it were a boy, but it would be weird because I had already kinda convinced myself that we were having a girl.  Shows what I know!!  I'm thinking that every time I guess the gender I will be wrong......

I'm really excited that Damon will be getting a brother!  They will be pretty close in age and hopefully they can be good friends.  Mike is excited that they might be on the same football team and stuff (of course) :)  It's also really nice that this time around I don't have to go out and buy everything.  Don't get me wrong there will still be a ton of shopping done I am sure, but it can just be stuff I want and can be optional!  Plus I know what I am doing when it comes to boys......I think.......  Mike is super excited that this baby won't grow into an ornery hormonal teenage girl.  WOW.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Holiday weekend

We had a great 4th of July! Damon wasn't really old enough to enjoy anything last year, but I think he had a blast this year!

We started off last week by going to Cherry Hill with Megan and Taylor on Monday.  I used to go there all the time as a kid and we thought it was the greatest.  Damon really liked it and was able to do everything except one water slide.  The big water slide that he went on with me and Mike scared him a bit, but he loved the one in pirates cove.  He went over and over and got to the point where he wanted to walk out of the pool and clear around the pirate ship himself to do it.  We got in the lazy river and I put his life jacket thing on him.  He was laughing and smiling I think because he thought he was actually swimming as the river moved.
 water slide in pirates cove
 Damon and Megan
Damon saying "cheeeeese" for the camera

On the 3rd we went to the car show and it was SO hot! I got a snow cone and tried to stay in the shade while Mike and Damon walked around and looked at the cars.  Mike had Damon 'trained' so that every time they walked up to a car Damon would say "WOW"!  After that we decided to go up the canyon and sleep over with Megan.  It was kinda last minute but we still had fun.  Damon was asleep when we got there, but as soon as he woke up he said "awa" because he could see/hear the river.

We left the next morning and got home in time to get ready to go to the parade.  I didn't get any pictures because Damon was with Mike while I was resting in the shade.  And I just never think of it.  After the parade we went to the square for watermelon and lunch.  After we had all sweated our butts off we headed home to cool off a bit before heading off to Ashlee's for dinner and fireworks.  When Damon woke up he was super ornery and the ONLY thing that would calm him down was telling him he was going to go see Tanner.  He loves his cousins :)  They had so much fun together riding bikes, playing in the sand, going down the slide and chasing each other around.  We did a few fireworks of our own and then headed back up the canyon when the Hyrum ones started to spend the rest of the weekend with my family.

 Damon and his cousins eating watermelon- matching unintentional but super cute!

Once again, Damon loved being around kids.  He got to play on the 'tractor' (lawnmower) and Grandpa took him for a few rides.  Grandpa's truck was there the whole time which is about all this kid needs to keep him happy.  He sits in the drivers seat, immediately locks the doors so you can't get him out (except the windows are down.....) and starts pushing all the buttons and steering.  Linnea brought up a slip n' slide for the kids and my dad hooked up a pump and pumped water out of the river for them to play in.  They had water fights and floated down the river too.  Damon is pretty cute because he can't quite do what the big kids do, but he sure tries!  Kaden and Brooklyn took him over to the swings a few times and thought his horse impression was hilarious!  They kept asking him what a horsey says and laughed every time.  Then they started asking him what random things say (tree, swing, etc.) and he would just scream.  Then they would look at each other and laugh and laugh.  They were really good to play with him!  He liked holding Mckynlee's hand and guiding her wherever he wanted to go, and they would stop every so often to give each other hugs.  He was pretty excited about the fact that for 3 days when he woke up there was someone there besides us.  He would first check to make sure we were there and say "mom? daddy?".   Once he knew we were there it was "papa, deedee" (megan) and on and on.  He would try to escape out of the trailer to go find them all.  He was a little peeved this morning when he woke up and no one was around.  So you should all feel loved.

 Loving the water guns even though he doesn't know how to use them
 Blowing bubbles-one of his favorite things!
Thanks Angie for bringing them to entertain my child
 Sometimes he just likes to give me big hugs and not let go,
even when I try to pull back :) It's my favorite!
Braving the river 
 Slip n' slide

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Damon and the flu

DISCLAIMER: Do not read this if you get queasy easily.  You may think I am sharing too much, but hey, this is for me to look back on and remember.
 Last Friday we went out to dinner with my fam at Texas Roadhouse and Damon was his usual crazy self.  We came home and he really did not want to go to bed, which is unfortunately not that unusual lately.  Mike finally got him to sleep and then Mike said he wasn't feeling well.  I assumed it was because he ate so dang much at Texas Roadhouse.  He started throwing up but I didn't really think anything of it.  Then as I was literally pulling the sheets back to go to bed, Damon did this weird cough/gurgle thing and then started whimpering.  I considered just climbing into bed and letting him go back to sleep but it sounded strange so I went in to check on him.  I walked in and he was crying and reaching for me saying "mom", so I picked him up.  As soon as I did I realized he had thrown up.  Everywhere.  And it was now all over me.  Lovely.  I took him to the bathroom to clean him up but he was hysterical and wouldn't let go of me so I could.  I think he was probably just scared because this was the first time he has ever thrown up besides baby spit up.
We had to get Mike up to come calm him down so I could clean him up.  Then he snuggled in next to Mike and I thought went to sleep.  Then I had to take off all his bedding and throw it in the washer and clean up the sides of his crib and carpet.  At this point I was feeling pretty nasty so I jumped in the shower.  I get out to Mike saying "Whit he threw up again".  UGH.  I don't know what I expected but I guess I just hoped it would be a one time thing.  And of course it was just enough to have to wash those sheets and blankets too.  Seriously, what do you even do with a child who isn't old enough to understand what's happening so they can go to the bathroom or use a bucket?  So we got a towel and camped on the couch for the night.  Watched Frozen til about 1:30 when he finally fell asleep.  At this point there wasn't much left in him but the poor thing kept waking up throughout the night to go for another round.  I also got the wonderful opportunity of listening to Mike get up throughout the night for the same thing.  Poor boys.
At about 6:30 am I wake up to Damon bright eyed and bushy tailed in my face saying "mom, mom" and just wanting to watch Frozen again.  As soon as it started he was jumping around and dancing to the music.  He sure got over it fast!! And I'm thinking 'if you feel better why the heck aren't we sleeping?!'  But hey if its no longer puke, I'll take it.
So Saturday was spent with us quarantined in the house while Mike and Damon recovered (mostly Mike.  Damon was fine after that), and I coroxed and cleaned everything.  And I mean EVERYTHING!  Wishful thinking to think I wouldn't get it after cleaning up puke and spending the night with Damon, but hey a girl can dream.  Sure enough, Saturday night it was my turn.  Being sick sucks.  Being pregnant and sick is utterly miserable.  Luckily my mom and dad came and took Damon for the day so I didn't have to worry about him and I could just wallow in self pity.  Which is pretty much what I did.  By Monday all was right with the world and back to normal, but man was it a crappy weekend.  Saturday was the first day of summer-the longest day of the year.  I agree, but for different reasons!

Now for more of my random thoughts:   Damon is starting to talk a lot more.  In his own language that is.  I realized today that I better keep track of some of the funny things he says so I will remember.
water or really any kind of liquid = awa (almost like Spanish agua)
bike = bap
candy = nanee
please- My favorite, but possibly the hardest one to explain = kind of a cross between t-thhhh and tsss.... he kinda just sticks out his tongue and blows air out.....
ipad = bubo (there is a bubble game he likes to play so he thinks that is what it is called)
wagon = aahheee
bye = DIE
cow = dow
monkey = duhdeee
That's all I can think of for now..... Plus Damon is currently screaming for me from his crib.  Seriously this kid slept through the night almost from day one but now he is suddenly in this phase where he won't go to bed.  On the nights we are lucky enough that he does go to bed, he will only sleep about half the night before he is up screaming for us and wanting to get in bed with us.  And I cant really just let him cry because the downstairs neighbor has 2 kids in the room right below him and I'm afraid he will wake them up.  I have no idea what to do.....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Well Mike and I have both been really excited for summer where he doesn't have to go to work.  But he hates just sitting at home, so he has been helping out his friend's dad with landscaping.  It's been nice because he stays busy and it is way chill so if he needs a day off for anything it's not a big deal.  We do wish he was home a little more to play, but I think he would go crazy!  Damon has absolutely LOVED the warm weather.  If he could, he would stay outside 24/7!  Which kinda sucks because with this pregnancy I have been getting really dizzy a lot, especially when I am outside and it is hot.  Luckily I have a lot of other people who are willing to chase him around in the heat :)
 Damon petting the cows at aunt Julie's farm
 Riding the tractor at the farm.  He loved it out there!
 Caitlin taking him for a ride on the 3-wheeler -- aka tractor.  
To him, anything that is big and moves is a tractor.
That is the same helmet and 3-wheeler we used when I was little :)
 Now every time we go to grandma and grandpa's house he 
runs to the shed with the 3-wheeler and tries to break in 
while saying 'tractor, tractor'

This kid loves bubbles, but is so independent that he wants to do it himself.
It never really works, but he has a great time anyways! ( I cant figure out how
to upload a video on here...... so this is all you get for now-- anybody know
how to do it?  Is there a trick?)

I have been trying to do fun things with him that are different from our everyday routine which usually includes books, blocks, random toys and the iPad.  But it seems that every time I try something new he just looks at me like um...... are you crazy?  What is this?  Oh well, I guess I should just be glad that he is easily entertained!!

 We tried painting with watercolors the other day.  It lasted about 3 minutes.
And yes, he is using the wrong end of the brush.
And now he is getting ready to eat it..... that is probably
my fault for putting him in his high chair to do it.

On the 10th it was our anniversary.  We have been married for 4 years now!  In some ways it has flown by, but other times I think seriously that's it?  It has been an eventful 4 years: We have both graduated college, Mike has had 3 jobs and finally has a 'real' job, we have lived in 4 different apartments, we have an almost 2 year old and another on the way, and we are (VERY slowly, but surely) in the process of getting a house.  So when I think about it like that I think how has it only been 4 years?!  We had a class to go to the night of our anniversary so we didn't do much to celebrate.  We did go out to Texas Roadhouse a couple days before.  I didn't even get a picture of me and Mike together, but I did get one of him and Damon.  (Yes, we took our child on our anniversary date with us.... ha ha ha!)

He wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get a picture that wasn't blurry!