between this, and christmas music playing for the last little while, i am really excited for christmas. i even got all my shopping done earlier than usual (which for me is only like a week before christmas). yay! it feels so good to be done and have most of the presents wrapped and under the tree!
i got pretty used to looking at our tree, and even though its pretty small it started to seem normal to me. then i went to my parents house. my dad brought up our tree from the basement and it is HUGE compared to ours. really fat and brushing the ceiling. thats fine. no big deal. maybe one day....
even though this has nothing to do with christmas, it was really funny so i feel the need to share. yesterday mike went to maceys really early and then came back and had to go to construction. he was supposed to be there at 8 but was late getting home from maceys, and still had to shower so he knew he was already going to be late for construction. he came home and showered and changed and as he was leaving i hopped in the shower. well.... turns out he forgot his keys and locked himself out. i was just enjoying my long shower with the door closed, the fan on, and our showerhead that squeals the whole time. he was standing out in the hall ringing the doorbell and calling my phone hoping i would hear it. not a chance. so the second he hears the water finally turn off he calls my phone, and i actually heard it this time. he just said "PLEASE come open the door!" i was pretty confused but opened it and said "what are you doing?" he told me he had just been standing there the whole time because he couldn't get back in, and he didn't have his car keys. and here i had been taking my precious time in the shower. which he noticed. he said "that was the longest shower ever!!" what are the odds that i would have gotten in about 10 seconds before he locked himself out?... oops!! i felt pretty bad! needless to say, he was only about and hour and a half late for construction. good thing they werent expecting him at all that day becuase they thought he had a final! :)
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