Thursday, May 26, 2011

mike V. woodchucks

awhile ago we were pulling up to our apartment and mike said "squirrel!" i told him that was a pretty big squirrel and he looked closer and said it was a woodchuck. so of course he had to chase it around the back of the house. we couldnt see it anywhere and we assumed it had gone in the hole between the cement pad and the grass just outside of our back door. mike wanted to try to get it out with a stick but i made him leave it alone.
last week, mike decided to plant a garden. on thursday he went to home depot and bought a big tote and some lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers. he came home and planted the whole thing and was very proud.
saturday afternoon i was at work, and i got a call from mike. when i answered he said "the d*** woodchucks ate my lettuce!!!" i started laughing my head off and he told me that i needed to call my friends dad who is a trapper to see if he could lend us a trap. i asked him what was in it for me and without pausing he said "a woodchuck hat!!!" :)
on sunday mike decided the wait for a trap was unbearable. yes, it had only been one day. so he decided to build his own. we went to his parents house and he found some scrap wood and built himself his own live trap for the woodchuck. when he asked what to bait it with i told him lettuce. ha ha ha! i think im pretty funny!
so far, we havent caught anything. mike has spent plenty of time at the kitchen window with the binoculars staring out into the field next to our apartment where they live. but they have yet to come back.


mike planting his garden

so proud of the finished product

after the woodchucks had their feast
this is a couple days after and the lettuce is actually starting to grow back.
if you look at the first couple pictures, you will see that it was a few inches tall in the beginning.

this is how all the lettuce looked right afterwards.
barely poking through the dirt.


1 comment:

  1. BAHAHA!!! I LOVE IT! Thanks Mike for contsant entertianment. Thanks Whit for documenting it! also, nice trap Mike!
