Monday, January 2, 2012

Tilly's new house

A long time ago Mike decided he wanted to build a new house for Tilly. We put it off for a long time, but finally decided to really make one. Mike and my dad built the whole thing. My contribution was painting and telling them what to do :) It turned out to be a LOT bigger than I thought it would be, especially in our tiny living room. We put her in it for the first time today, and I'm not really sure if she likes it.... hopefully she gets used to it, cuz it took a lot of time and work, and it is staying!!

After it was all built, we painted it blue

then we put a brown glaze over it.
it was harder to do than I thought, but I
think it turned out okay.

Mike putting the finishing touches
on the inside

completely finished

The inside- Yes it has two levels, and yes that is a banister at the top.
What can i say, the men were creative! Mike's mom said to keep
this as a dollhouse for our kids and not put the turtle in it.
Hopefully my dad will just build another one when that
time comes :)


  1. how does she do getting from one level to the next? and yeah whit-- your dad will build an actual doll house. a super cool nifty one! how fun is this?! :)

  2. she has gone down when we put her at the top, but has yet to go back up..... she just hides in the corner 24/7!
