Wednesday, November 5, 2014

House, Halloween and other happenings

Since I haven't posted for quite awhile, here is the Reader's Digest version of our life lately....

The house is actually coming along pretty quickly.  It has been a lot of work and long days for Mike, but he loves that kind of stuff  :)  We have to build 9 houses total and as of right now we have finished framing 5 and are working on the 6th.  We are hoping to have all the framing done before it gets too cold so that we can be working on the insides most of the winter.  I was a little worried about whether or not I would be much help being pregnant and all but there is a lot that I can do.  I just avoid all the heavy lifting and ladders and such.  So pretty much all the hard stuff   :)  If all goes according to plan we should be able to move in in June.  That's about a month per house.  Not too shabby for a bunch of people who have no idea what they are doing.  Keep your fingers crossed.

I was pretty excited for Halloween with Damon this year.  Although it's his 3rd Halloween this was the first year that he had any idea what was going on.
He loves to paint and is pretty funny about textures when touching things, so I decided to let him paint a pumpkin this year.  He had a blast and ended up with as much paint on him as on the pumpkin.  Mike tried to get him to touch the guts from his pumpkin but he would have nothing to do with it.

We dressed him as a pumpkin.  Probably the cutest pumpkin I have ever seen.  Ashlee was nice enough to let us crash Trick-or-Treating with them.  I knew Damon would have fun if he did it, but I felt stupid taking him up to doors myself and saying Trick-or-Treat aka my child doesn't know what's happening but give us candy anyways....  So it was nice that he just got to go up to the doors with his cousins.  He was so funny and would walk up to the porch, and then just hang back while everyone else got candy, and then leave.  People were always really nice to catch him before he got too far and give him some.  By the end of the night he had a better idea of what was going on but was getting pretty tired.
He now wants to wear his pumpkin costume everyday and keeps saying "Howee" (Halloween).  The poor kid doesn't really get that holidays are just once a year.  He is the same way with birthdays.  Every time he sees a candle he thinks it is someones birthday.  When Mike put one in his pumpkin he kept saying "happy" "happy".  And he is still telling me Happy Birthday.....

Night Out
Now that we are building we don't get a whole lot of family time together.  So a couple weeks ago when we had a day off, we took Damon to the American West Heritage Center to check out all the fun fall activities.  They had pony rides and even though Damon loves horses, I didn't know how well he would do actually riding one.  I had no reason to worry.  HE LOVED IT!  He kept neighing all night wanting to go back and do it again.

They also had a train which he was thrilled to go on.  The bounce house and slide were okay but if he had it his way he would have gone back and forth between the train and horses all night.

I finally finished the table I was working on.  More like my dad finally finished it.  After we started on the house, I never had a free minute without Damon that I could go work on it.  So my dad was nice enough that he just did it for me one Saturday.  It probably could have turned out nicer had I been willing to take the time to refinish the wood, but I really like the way it looks all black.  With the price of paint and sandpaper and everything this probably cost about $40.  I'd say that't a steal.  It has a leaf too so when we get into our house and have more room we can have a bigger table.  

Here are a couple random pregnant pictures of me.  And that is all you will see because that is all I have taken. :)  The doctor says she expects this baby to come about when Damon did so a week early.  That is less than 3 weeks away.  EEK!  I'm (not so) secretly hoping he will come sooner than that, but still be perfectly healthy.... I don't think that's too much to ask!  We are well on our way though!!!

Damon's Birthday

Well this is only about a month and a half late, but lets talk about Damon's birthday....

His birthday was on a Sunday.  We usually have church at 9:00, but that happened to be the week of the Ogden Temple open house so there was no church.  They were doing 3 separate broadcasts so we decided to go to the middle one (I think it was at 1:00......) so that we could take our time in the morning having a big breakfast and letting Damon open his presents and play with them for awhile and everything.

We got him a big rocking horse and he was pretty excited about it.  Although I think I could have given him the dollar store truck he got and put the balloons in the living room and he would have been just as happy.  Little kids are so easy to please!

We had a nice lazy morning which was awesome because Damon and Mike never get to see each other in the morning these days now that we are building the house.  Mike's parents had gone to the earlier session so that they could watch all the grand kids while we went.  Damon was so excited to get to go play with his cousins.
We went to the open house and took our time after it got over because we figured it would take a long time to get out of the parking lot and I had to use the restroom (surprise surprise).  After we finally left Mike wanted to run home and change his clothes before heading back to his parents.  No big deal.  I waited in the car while he ran in and changed and when he came back out he said we needed to hurry and get to his parents house because his dad had left him a voicemail saying there was a situation.....  Uh-oh.
Come to find out the boys had been playing and dropped a big bowl and broke it.  Damon must have tried to pick it up because he had cut his finger open pretty bad.  Mike's mom thought it probably needed stitches, but she didn't have enough car seats to take all the kids and someone would have had to hold something on Damon's finger so blood wouldn't get everywhere.  So they had been waiting for us while we were just taking our sweet time.  I felt pretty bad!
We loaded Damon into the car and headed into the InstaCare.  It just so happened that I had a big bag of Cheetos in the car and that was enough to calm him down while we drove.  His face and one hand were completely covered in Cheeto dust but I could care less as long as he wasn't freaking out.  We had a red washcloth wrapped around his finger so we couldn't see how bloody it was but when Mike carried him in it pressed up against Mikes white shirt and left a pretty nasty bloody spot.  They got us in pretty quick but then we had to put some numbing cream on his finger and let it sit for 30 minutes.  Lucky for us, they had a little DVD player, Frozen, and a sucker.  When they came back to stitch it up I don't think it was hurting him anymore, but he was still a little leery to let them look at it.  They put 3 stitches in and he was actually pretty good throughout the whole thing considering.  When he was done he got a popsicle and was happy as could be.

We were planning on having a party for his birthday that night but were considering calling it off because we thought he would be pretty tired an ornery.  As soon as we were in the car all he wanted was to go back to Grandma's to see Tanner and Max.  So the party was still on.  He had a great time and, aside from not using his hand for anything, you would never guess he had a rough afternoon.  He was spoiled rotten and absolutely LOVED being sang to!

The stitches had to stay in for a week and it took about that long for him to decide it was okay to use his hand at all.  He would just hold it off to the side or behind his back and get by by doing everything with his left hand.
Now it is how long after, and he still sticks his hand in everyone's face to show them his owie.  Funny kid.


  • Loves to vacuum, especially his bedroom.  We usually have to do it everyday.  He drags the vacuum out of the closet and to his room and just waits very impatiently for me to come turn it on.
  • Loves to play ball with daddy.  He brings Mike his Hmong stool and says "Daddy seat".  He makes Mike sit on the stool and nowhere else while they throw the ball back and forth. 
  • He will currently only watch: our wedding video, Frozen, The Lorax, Gordy, and about 10 seconds of any music video.
  • Loves listening to music and dancing.
  • He is starting to talk a little more even though it is still pretty hard to understand him.  He gets really frustrated when I don't know what he is saying and I get really frustrated when I can't figure out what he wants.  Although the way he says things is pretty darn cute, I will be glad when he can tell me what he wants and I can know what he is saying.
  • He thinks everything is blue.  No matter how many times I try to teach him other colors, it's all blue.
  • Is very excited about the baby.  He always wants to look at the ultrasound pics and says either "baby! baby!" or "KaKo" (Kyle).  He usually loves babies but we will see how he feels when this one doesn't go home at the end of the day......