Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Well Mike and I have both been really excited for summer where he doesn't have to go to work.  But he hates just sitting at home, so he has been helping out his friend's dad with landscaping.  It's been nice because he stays busy and it is way chill so if he needs a day off for anything it's not a big deal.  We do wish he was home a little more to play, but I think he would go crazy!  Damon has absolutely LOVED the warm weather.  If he could, he would stay outside 24/7!  Which kinda sucks because with this pregnancy I have been getting really dizzy a lot, especially when I am outside and it is hot.  Luckily I have a lot of other people who are willing to chase him around in the heat :)
 Damon petting the cows at aunt Julie's farm
 Riding the tractor at the farm.  He loved it out there!
 Caitlin taking him for a ride on the 3-wheeler -- aka tractor.  
To him, anything that is big and moves is a tractor.
That is the same helmet and 3-wheeler we used when I was little :)
 Now every time we go to grandma and grandpa's house he 
runs to the shed with the 3-wheeler and tries to break in 
while saying 'tractor, tractor'

This kid loves bubbles, but is so independent that he wants to do it himself.
It never really works, but he has a great time anyways! ( I cant figure out how
to upload a video on here...... so this is all you get for now-- anybody know
how to do it?  Is there a trick?)

I have been trying to do fun things with him that are different from our everyday routine which usually includes books, blocks, random toys and the iPad.  But it seems that every time I try something new he just looks at me like um...... are you crazy?  What is this?  Oh well, I guess I should just be glad that he is easily entertained!!

 We tried painting with watercolors the other day.  It lasted about 3 minutes.
And yes, he is using the wrong end of the brush.
And now he is getting ready to eat it..... that is probably
my fault for putting him in his high chair to do it.

On the 10th it was our anniversary.  We have been married for 4 years now!  In some ways it has flown by, but other times I think seriously that's it?  It has been an eventful 4 years: We have both graduated college, Mike has had 3 jobs and finally has a 'real' job, we have lived in 4 different apartments, we have an almost 2 year old and another on the way, and we are (VERY slowly, but surely) in the process of getting a house.  So when I think about it like that I think how has it only been 4 years?!  We had a class to go to the night of our anniversary so we didn't do much to celebrate.  We did go out to Texas Roadhouse a couple days before.  I didn't even get a picture of me and Mike together, but I did get one of him and Damon.  (Yes, we took our child on our anniversary date with us.... ha ha ha!)

He wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get a picture that wasn't blurry!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for you guys to get your house started!! That is super exciting! I love the picture of Damon on the 3-wheeler, I remember that 3-wheeler as well!!
